
Affiliate Members

Affiliate Members are independently incorporated organizations with their own specific ministries and accountability, an international scope of ministry across at least two regions, and the capacity and authority to serve in and beyond the WEA community.

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At Advocates International™ is a worldwide fellowship of advocates bearing witness of Jesus Christ through the legal profession. 
AM International is a Christian mission fellowship dedicated to serving university-aged students to come to know the Gospel by equipping effective bible teachers in all ages.
The Asia Theological Association (ATA) is a body of theological institutions, committed to evangelical faith and scholarship, networking together to serve the Church in equipping the people of God for the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Asian Access

Asian Access is a leader development group that changes the few who change the many. It intentionally equips a few key leaders at a time, through a 2-year transformational process—accelerating their capacity—so they can lead with increasing vision, character, and competence.

Barnabas Aid

Barnabas Aid works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians.
BGU graduate degrees provide theological, operational, and personal skill sets for entry into the most diverse range of world realities; from a call and ministry with those in abject poverty, to a call and ministries with those in the corridors of the powerful. Students in all five programs are invited to attend courses with those in other degrees, thus providing them with the additional advantage of experiencing BGU’s unique geographic, cultural, and organizationally diverse relationships.
As the apostle Barnabas was called a “Son of Encouragement” and gave his possessions for God’s purposes in the church, Barnabas Relief Fund also wishes to encourage people in need through the offering of food, shelter and medical assistance.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
Bible League Canada passionately shares the Word of God through intentional discipleship in over 50 countries worldwide.


Biblica is a global Bible translation ministry inspired by radical generosity. For more than 200 years, Biblica has been providing the Bible in accurate, contemporary translations and formats so that more people around the world will have the opportunity to be transformed by Jesus Christ.

Calling Ministry is a mission organization based on 2 Tim 1:9. We are called to call!
Reaching those who have never heard and training those who have heard the call, how to make disciples in all the world.

Campus Missions International (CMI) is a dedicated campus evangelical organization made of many participating churches from many different Christian denominations. All of these churches are aggregated into one evangelical entity under the name of CMI. Each participating local CMI church strives to grow by encouraging post-graduates to continue serving God by helping students.

CBMC International is an interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization comprised of national associations in over 90 countries. We share a common statement of faith, ministry practices, and a passion to see lives transformed by the Gospel. Our mission is to establish and strengthen CBMC ministries at the national and regional levels as they engage the marketplace with the Gospel and partner with men and women in transformative discipleship relationships.


CEDAR Fund is an independent Christian relief and development organisation founded in Hong Kong in 1991. We strive to live out the integral mission of the Church in partnership with Christians around the world to assist the poor and the needy.
The CMM is placing teams around the globe to mobilize missionaries to the unreached.
ChinaSource is a trusted partner and platform for educating the global church on critical issues facing the church and ministries in China, and for connecting Christians inside and outside China to advance the kingdom of God globally. We regularly post new content to our website,
For over 140 years, CE has helped churches build thriving Youth ministries. Our ongoing translation work with local translators allows CE’s unique & proven discipleship materials to be available in a growing number of languages. CE actively connects with local churches and ministries in over 43 countries.
Christopher Sun Evangelistic Association is a nondenominational ministry holding citywide evangelistic meetings in many cities around the world. This ministry strives to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the leading of the Holy Spirit, preparing meetings with prayerful integrity with the aim of glorifying our Heavenly Father.
COMIBAM serves as a meeting place to share information and to promote collaboration, both among the national missionary movements themselves and among churches, missionary agencies, training programs, support entities, and missionaries. In addition, it also promotes and facilitates contact and practical opportunities to work cooperatively with missionary networks and organizations in other regions of the world.

The Continuing Evangelical Episcopal Communion (the CEEC.CHURCH) is a communion of the one, holy catholic and apostolic Church. Our specific identity and self-understanding is rooted in the Anglican spiritual tradition of being Catholic, Evangelical and Protestant. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer. It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. Anglicans are part of a global family living out our faith in local communities. We evangelize, disciple and plant convergent churches that express all three historic streams of the Church on five continents.

Creatio is a non-profit organization seeking to raise passionate Christian artists by teaching the meaning and calling of being a Christian artist and designer and providing them with opportunities to work in their own field and ministry. Creatio also gathers designers to have group activities under the name of Creatio.
Crossroads provides relevant messages of faith and inspiration for millions of Canadians and has done so for 50 years. Its mission is to help people of every age and stage become followers of Jesus Christ through inspired media.


Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and.sending them to win and build others
David Chung Ministries International is an evangelistic ministry. We unite and mobilize churches and church leaders for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development for the spiritual transformation of cities and nations.

Diakonos is a fellowship of business executives who share in God’s vision as explained in the Bible. We have a purpose to make an impact globally through Christian businesses. 

Through a spectrum of ministries in more than 40 countries around the world, ReachGlobal empowers disciples who make disciples in their local context.
Elim Center International is an international Christian prayer ministry purposed to be an oasis of healing and restoration for individuals, the church, and society.

EnArche Institute

Established in 2021, EnArche Institute was developed to support the World Chinese Christianity Alliance (WCCA). Key services provided include providing secretariat services to the World Chinese Christianity Alliance through networking with relevant Chinese organizations globally as well as, developing resources relevant online courses.

EMI is a Christian development organization mobilizing architects, engineers and surveyors to use their skills to design a world of hope. This page represents EMI’s worldwide projects. 
The EPC family of more than 630 Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional churches aspires to embody and proclaim Jesus’ love as a global movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission through transformation, multiplication, and effective biblical leadership. In Essentials: Unity. In Non-Essentials: Liberty. In All Things: Charity.
Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church by equipping and mobilizing believers to participate in sharing the truth and love of Jesus with every person and home on earth.
Every Nation is a global family of churches dedicated to establishing church-planting churches, reaching the next generation on the campus, and preaching the gospel to every nation.
The vision of the Faith & Family Foundation is to restore families, communities, and society to holiness through Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to proclaim the Gospel with a practical approach towards family issues, and to confirm the importance of Christian faith and families.
We work for the advancement of God’s kingdom, especially where there are few or no Christians and churches. Our missionary vision is comprehensive: it includes preaching the gospel and service aimed at improving the living conditions of communities and sustainable development.

Food For The Poor, Inc., established in 1982, is a Christ-centered relief and development organization dedicated to serving the needy in 15 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. We provide emergency relief, education, housing, healthcare access, economic development projects, and more, spreading the love and gospel of Jesus Christ through our work. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission and share Christ’s compassion with the world by empowering communities through sustainable initiatives that transform lives.

We are a Missional Order, which means that we grow as men and women in Christ through formation and community, and from that depth of life we respond to God’s invitation to pursue the fullness of God’s blessing for all peoples and the reconciliation of all things in Christ.
Frontiers is working to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples among Muslim peoples who don’t know the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our global priorities focus on the peoples and places with the least access to the Gospel. To this end, we work to recruit, train, and send teams of workers to live in Muslim communities and bring Christ’s message to those who have yet to hear it.

The vision of Gather25 is to mobilize the Church to reach the world, so every person on earth may know Jesus. In 2025, for 25 hours, we will gather the global Church for a time of prayer, repentance, and commissioning.

GO Movement is a collaboration of denominations, churches, and ministries with the desire to fulfill the Great Commission. We aim to encourage, motivate and mobilize every Christian to share the Gospel, so everyone has heard.
Global Scholars equips Christian professors to have a redemptive influence among their students, colleagues, universities, and academic institutions. Our vision is that one day every student, colleague, university, and discipline will have Christian professors who communicate the truth, goodness, and beauty of Christ in the power of the Spirit for the growth of God’s Kingdom and the flourishing of society.
G&IT exists to spread the Word of God with IT: For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea; and to transform lives like Jesus and the world into the Kingdom of God through Gospel-centered technology.
Because God loves sick and dying people, HCFI seeks to obey the Great Command (to love God and our neighbour) and to fulfil the Great Commission (to make disciples of all nations) in Healthcare. We do this by inspiring and equipping Christians in Healthcare to manifest Jesus Christ in daily life and work.
The Holy Bible Society (HBS) is an international Christian organization founded in 2007 for the purpose of making the Bible more accessible to all people by using digital technology and the Internet.
Integral exists to see God’s kingdom demonstrated by uniting our Members. We champion, encourage and faciliate collaborative working across the Alliance, particularly in disasters.
IAFR was established in 2009 in response to the need for an international Christian nonprofit agency devoted to the mission of helping people survive and recover from forced displacement. We do this in partnership with local churches, refugees churches and the church-at-large.
The International Association of Evangelical Chaplains (IAEC) founded in 1997, is a volunteer, nonprofit ministry whose mission is “to assist worldwide in the training and encouragement of international evangelical Christian chaplains and in the establishment and growth of chaplaincies which include evangelical Christians.”
The vision of ICMDA is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentists in every community in every nation. We do that by starting and strengthening national Christian medical and dental movements through calling, equipping, fellowship and service.
ICETE is a global community, sponsored by eight regional associations of theological schools, to enable international interaction and collaboration among all those concerned for the enhancement of evangelical theological education worldwide.
The International Association of Evangelical Chaplains (IAEC) founded in 1997, is a volunteer, nonprofit ministry whose mission is “to assist worldwide in the training and encouragement of international evangelical Christian chaplains and in the establishment and growth of chaplaincies which include evangelical Christians.”
International Justice Mission is a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence. We partner with local authorities in 29 program offices in 17 countries to combat trafficking and slavery, violence against women and children and police abuse of power.
We partner with local leaders in 18 countries who are performing life changing work within one of our five service areas, including Gospel Outreach, Education, Health and Sanitation, Economic Development, and Food and Water. Your support makes it possible to reach more people around the world with a message of hope!
We facilitate Jewish life and community all over the world, sharing with everyone we meet the life-changing teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. We live out our faith and heritage by loving God and our neighbors. We also help Christians gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish historical and cultural context of their own faith, and we fight anti-Semitism across the globe by helping bring greater partnership and understanding between Jewish and Christian communities.

Jubilee is a fellowship comprised of a globally diverse and eclectic body of musicians, dancers, actors, and members purposed to glorify God through the sacrifices of praise and worship.

For more than 60 years, the Palau Association has shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with more than one billion people throughout the world. Through our efforts – and God’s great provision – hundreds of thousands of individuals have come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Micah Global is an international network of Christians active in relief, development, care and advocacy. Micah Global members carry a vision of a flourishing creation in which people are living life to the full, free from poverty, injustice and conflict – at peace with God, nature and one another, as intended and enabled by Jesus Christ.
MEC (Middle East Concern) supports people in the Middle East and North Africa who are marginalised, discriminated against or persecuted for being or becoming Christians
We are sharing the gospel of Jesus and advancing His Kingdom through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers.
The ministry consists in equipping churches to establish a culture of peace in their communities in a variety of places, schools, community centers, stadiums; relate to government and police etc. Teaching biblical principles.
Bringing Jesus Christ to new generations and nations.
Norwegian Lutheran Mission is a free and independent mission organisation with “The World for Christ” as its vision. NLM has extensive activities in Norway and in approx. 15 countries in Africa, South America and Asia.
One Challenge is involved in Missions Mobilization, Church Planting & Growth, Education, Holistic Ministry, Leadership Development, Member Care, Partnering & Bridge Building, Research, Sports Ministries, as well as Business for Transformation.
We work with people like you so that no one is invisible and everyone can have access to food, freedom, and forgiveness.
For 121 years, One Mission Society has been working to spread the good news of the Gospel throughout the world. Together with many partners, OMS has been planting thousands of local churches and training future leaders and missionaries from every race and background.
Our mission is to affect destiny by providing God’s eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world. We are currently reaching children and youth worldwide through Print, Film, Storytelling, and Digital Apps. By partnering with the local church, we have had the privilege of working in over 112 nations across the world. More than 1.9 billion children and youth have been reached with a relevant Gospel message.
Open Doors originated in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted Christians in Communist Europe. He became known as Brother Andrew, and his work led to more than six decades of support for the persecuted church worldwide.
Reach the unreached. Share the Gospel with the world’s nearly 3 billion people who have little or no access to it. And watch as the Gospel changes everything!
We are a Fellowship of more than 1,100 churches. More than 235,000 people attend services in English, French and other languages across the nation, and we are pleased to provide ministerial credentials for more than 3,500 pastors and ministry leaders. We’re also here to help facilitate the vital work of global workers in over 50 countries around the world, who are spreading the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and bringing hope and help to those in need.
We mobilize teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.
We believe that when people know Jesus, their lives change. With Jesus, they can change the lives of everyone around them. Through Jesus, they can change their communities, their cities, and their nations.
In 2001, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) sponsored a global consultation of Christians serving refugees that became the Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) – an international network of churches, agencies and individuals serving forcibly displaced people. Since 2001, RHP has grown into a global network which seeks to, together, advocate on behalf of refugees and serve the body of Christ by helping connect and equip her to welcome and assist refugees.
Reliant partners with Missional Churches and Gospel-centered Ministries to mobilize support-based workers for the sake of the Great Commission.
A Global Proclamation Ministry, RREACH implements God’s calling and gifting on Ramesh Richard  to promote the Lord Jesus Christ worldwide.
We equip the local church to: PRAY for the revelation of God and His Kingdom, RESCUE people from the evils of slavery, EMPOWER leaders with training and tools, and MULTIPLY movements that impact their world for good.
Saint Luke Society is an evangelical medical ministry, made up of professional doctors from around the world. Our commission is to train and to raise medical professionals by equipping them with the truth and love of Jesus Christ. 
The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army’s doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God’s saving purposes. Its objects are the advancement of the Christian religion … of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole…
Scripture Union is a global movement in over 120 countries around the world actively introducing children, young people and families to Jesus and helping them to meet God through the Bible and prayer. Each Movement shares the Gospel in ways appropriate to their culture and situation, so local ministry may include a whole variety of activities from running camps or school and student groups to producing Bible reading resources and working with poor and marginalised children.

SEE Global equips the church with a biblical paradigm of singleness, marriage and spiritual family that fully engages and empowers single adults for kingdom service.

SIL International works with local communities and global partners to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for shalom. We provide training, translation tools and programs so people and churches can flourish in community and engage with the Bible in the languages they value most and best understand.

Our purpose is to glorify God by planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world as we: evangelise the least reached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches and equip churches to fulfil Christ’s Commission. 
Sojourners is the largest network of progressive Christians in the United States, focused on the biblical call to social justice. Our award-winning Sojourners magazine and Sojourners online publication provide the most up-to-date news and thought-provoking commentary from social justice leaders. 
Take Heart is a Christian, non-profit organization serving the persecuted body of Christ. It is our vision to see the body of Christ at peace, standing firm, and with great hope. We do this through our mission: Motivated by the love of Christ, we exist to spiritually encourage, technically equip, and financially support local leaders serving persecuted Christians around the globe.
TEAM’s mission is to partner with the global Church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches to the glory of God.
Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
We are a global distance education institution committed to equipping pastors and church leaders with world-class practical ministry training without leaving their churches and networks of ministry relationships. Teleo University partners with our parent organization, T-Net International, to offer distance education to the thousands of pastors and church leaders participating in training centers in 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas
Timothy Two Project, International exists to serve a critical need around the world. We are committed to equipping and training indigenous pastors and ministry leaders with the essential truths of the Christian faith so that they can train others. This way, the mandate from Christ in the Great Commission to “make disciples” can be accomplished in areas of the world where there is little or no formal biblical and theological training available.
TOPIC is an international coalition accelerating nonformal pastoral training. 

Tying Vines connects our locally-based partners to the support of the global community so that together we can have a lasting impact on transforming at-risk communities with the love of Christ. Reaching almost 1 million people each year, Tying Vines was established in 2011, and works in 36 countries around the world to provide hope in four key areas: ministry, humanitarian support, crisis response, and entrepreneurship.

For 75 years, United World Mission has been uniting trusted global partners, equipping thousands of indigenous leaders, pastors and church planters to fulfill the Great Commission.
We serve the church in 50 countries, equipping leaders and members to interpret, live, and share the biblical message. This is done through Competency Based Theological Education that articulates smoothly from non-formal Foundation Training, to accredited Diploma Training, to accredited Graduate Education. In this way the gap between formal and non-formal education is bridged.
Veritas Legal Society is a non-denominational ministry founded by Christian lawyers to help members of the legal profession put their religious faith into action in their lives.
The mission of VOM Canada is founded upon the message Pastor Wurmbrand carried to the West from persecuted church leaders: “Don’t abandon us, don’t forget us, and don’t write us off. Instead, give us the tools we need, for we are willing to pay the price for using them. VOM Canada strives to serve the church persecuted by providing the tools required to fulfill the Great Commission.
We innovate sustainable, women led, local solutions to basic water problems.
he World Mission Prayer League exists to see that populations with limited or no access to the Gospel experience the love of Christ and that believers and communities of believers in the Americas and elsewhere engage in active and collaborative participation in living out their roles in the great commission.
The World Reformed Fellowship seeks to serve the Kingdom of Christ by advancing Reformed partnerships worldwide. We believe this can be done so that the strengths of some might become the strengths of all in the service of Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 4: 11 – 13).
World Team USA is part of a global, non-denominational mission agency that equips and sends church planting teams to serve unreached people groups.
World Thrust International is a catalytic organization that encourages and equips the church to advance the Gospel to the unreached, bring hope to mankind, and fulfill God’s purpose. 
World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice.
At World Without Orphans we are pursuing a world where every child is cared for in a safe and loving family, and reaches their God-given potential.
We see multitudes of disciples compelled by the love of God and willing to risk all so that people are transformed by God, impacting their families, communities, and world.
Wycliffe Associates has a vision for a Bible in every language. Their mission is to involve people in the advancement of Bible translation to achieve that Goal. Specifically Wycliffe Associates employs a strategy of partnering with local churches so that the work of Bible translation is supported through local church ownership. Wycliffe Associates currently partners with churches in more than 60 countries.
The Wycliffe Global Alliance is a community of more than 100 diverse organisations and networks serving together in Bible translation movements around the world. Alliance organisations share a common commitment: that all people should have access to God’s Word in their preferred languages and formats. Hundreds of millions of people do not have access to God’s Word in the language they understand best. The Alliance’s vision is to see individuals, communities and nations transformed through God’s love and Word expressed in their languages and cultures.
Young Disciples is a Christian fellowship focuses on inviting university students to participate in our bible studies and fellowship. We believe that all students should study the Bible thoroughly, so they can find the purpose and meaning of their lives.
Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) is a global movement of creative Christian youth committed to Christ’s cause. More than merely adopting the popular cliché of “youths are leaders of tomorrow”, YEF seeks to empower young leaders of today to embrace their youthfulness yet living exemplary lives; proclaiming not of themselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord (1 Tim 4:12, 2 Cor 4:5).
Youth for Christ is a worldwide Christian movement working with young people around the globe. Motivated by our own faith we give young people everywhere the opportunity to be followers of Jesus Christ.